Posts Tagged "Mobile Marketing"


Millennials? The Time Is Now! – Part I

First of all, let’s start with what’s exactly a Millennial, right? Although it’s not consensual where the X Generation ends and the Y Generation begins, the vast majority of sources define them as those who were born between the early

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Non-responsive? Not an Option! – Part I

Mobile devices usage has become the norm nowadays, and sometimes it’s almost baffling how immersive and symbiotic the relationship has become… almost as if a technological extension of the self… it does get one thinking. People are on their smartphones

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Hotel Marketing Trends for 2016 – Part I

The Digital Marketing Industry may be highly complex, volatile, and ever-changing, but a pretty exciting one for companies who are determined to ride the wave when it comes to modern trends. 2016 looks extremely promising, and the following list portraits

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